IrisAda says...
Woah, thankyou for your lovely comments! I so enjoyed #ishotmyself and will probably do it again soon - I have some great ideas... I am learning some new knots ( blush I love the way the rope sinks into flesh, just such a juxtaposition between soft skin and firm rope. What do you think?) is winter now...maybe fur would be a warmer idea...
6:40PM Jun 20th 2016
laney says...
I absolutely love how you play with the scissors and figs, and all of the underwear teasing. You capture the light through your hair so beautifully, and your love for your body shines through in every photo. Thank you for posting!
11:53PM Jun 5th 2016
bluelagoon says...
You say: I love the hairy bits on the lover part of the abdomen, on ALL bodies. Isn't it probably a chance for some people if they risk an attempt to do that and thereby to find a new exciting and rewarding experience.
8:08AM Jun 4th 2016
trevor says...
Iris Ada, you are indeed a gift. I love the all of you---photographs and what you write. Ah, those figs are so very erotic. I do love figs. Thank you for the wonderful folio. How nice it would be to see your other art works too perhaps on the ISM Forum?? Please.
6:36AM Jun 4th 2016
head says...
What a remarkable folio!
6:18AM Jun 4th 2016