Nico72 says...
Sehr weiblich.....einfach wow......regt das Kopfkino sehr an.....)))
5:34AM Feb 18th 2017
trevor says...
Oh Enki, you are so exhilaratingly, agonisingly beautiful, the shapes and contours of your body (especially your breasts) interplaying with land and water stir one's primordial passions. Big happy sigh.... Thank you, very much.
8:46AM Jun 15th 2016
mackenzie says...
This is wonderful! #31 is very eye catching
10:45PM Jun 13th 2016
wazza1966 says...
Fantastic shoot . Thanks for sharing your wonderful beauty enki .
7:34AM Jun 12th 2016
bluelagoon says...
Danke, dass du dich uns als Frau in mittlerem Alter zeigst! Es ist das so wichtig! Du bist genau so schn, so erotisch und sexy, so selbstbewusst und voller Ausstrahlung wie Frauen, die 20 - 30 Jahre jnger sind! Thank you to share with us as a middle-aged women. Your are charming, beautiful, sexy as the younger ones of 18, 20, 25 years!.
6:34AM Jun 12th 2016