rikkybobby says...
Timeless beauty,like an intense erotic dream.
7:38AM Dec 3rd 2015
snarks says...
Nice to see you and your beauty return. I like the smile of #22, it suits you.
2:59PM Jul 21st 2014
ben010 says...
You did it again! Well done, thank you.
6:04AM Jul 15th 2014
maskedman says...
Great folio. Your hair is special ..but what's not to like here. ! A pleasure Esmae ...for sure. I'll make a point of looking up in future. :-)
7:41PM Jul 14th 2014
tristram says...
I imagine you hear this all the time, but the contrast between your blue eyes and your auburm hair is really quite striking, if not startling. Lovely. Thank you for the pics!
6:27PM Jul 14th 2014