justpeachy says...
Thanks for sharing the pix, Grace, I found them compelling! I like it how you didn't smile at the camera. That was quite confrontational, less "aren't I beautiful" but more "this is me".
12:25AM Jan 20th 2016
skulltatts says...
Absolutely magnificent. Beautiful body. Very womanly.....love the bush. Please post again.
2:49AM Sep 6th 2015
trevor says...
You are the essence of a womanly woman. Remarkable. So intensely a woman. So beautiful you are, Grace. I am in a trance and quite overwhelmed looking at your photographs. You could swallow me whole.
8:12AM Aug 20th 2015
Paulie says...
Sensational natural looks Grace. I loved the shoot, #20 is a favorite. Please do a reload very soon.
3:34AM Aug 20th 2015