10:27 - APR 19 - 2024 You are not logged in   » log in here            
PRIMARY - 27 DEC 2016
"Fue increible sacarme tantas fotos desde tantos angulos diferentes y ver mi cuerpo desde esas perspectivas. Me pase una hora andando por un apartamento luminoso, desnudandome poco a poco y disfrutanto al 100 por 100 de la sesion. Me senti bella, llena de enrgia y luz. Salgo de esta experiencia con muchisima ilusion por el futuro, y contentisima con mi cuerpo. Somos bellas, por fuera y por dentro. Si realmente te lo crees, ya nada puede pararte. / It was amazing to take so many photos from so many different angles and see my body from those perspectives. I spent an hour walking around a bright apartment, stripping slowly and enjoying 100% of the session. I felt beautiful, full of energy and light. I leave this experience with a lot of enthusiasm for the future, and feeling content with my body. We are beautiful, outside and inside. If you really believe it, nothing can stop you."

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